where did you go?

1 min readMar 22, 2020

Dieu, no words for the eyes
majestic explosion, beauty nudes with clouds like boiling milk in which strange hearts pulse. Can we find somewhere quiet? Let’s go outside tonight
I’ve got some smokes if you’ve got a light
I’m just tired
When I could be holding you
You’re too much to lose honey
And it hurts, and it hurts
And there’s no solace in the fact that it’s all in your head
I miss you
I’m awash poured out into night
I light another so that I can breathe
Sometimes made me want to shout “Stop!” Sometimes I forget the beautiful things
Watch how they fall
I can’t fight the world’s battles
I just wanna be next to you
I felt danger
Now I want to live
Hold on it
Feel your mouth
I dive back into the big wave, unresistible for so much beauty God,
it seduce me, touching it lightly upon its skin
How big its joy would be, invite le désastre




Hoy no hay nubes entre el sol y nosotros ig:dropsandchaos